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Support Our School

Doing a Lot with a Little

As a charter school, Founders Classical Academy operates with a smaller budget and fewer resources than the other public schools in our neighborhood. We are proud to provide our students with an excellent education on a small budget, and we are grateful to the supporters who contribute their volunteer time and generous donations to help us bridge the funding gap.

Make a Donation

As a public charter school, we do a lot with a little. The support of parents and generous members of the community is essential for our continued success. Just like public schools, charter schools receive state funds based on the average daily attendance of students. But, they do not receive funds from local tax revenue, or, in most cases, state facilities funding.

Charter schools like ours work to make up the difference with fundraising.



funding gap

The Archers Council hosts an annual Funds for Founders.

Funds for Founders supports the students and faculty of Founders Classical Academy of Leander by helping to bridge the funding gap of over $3 million between our school and similarly sized local district schools. Funds raised through this campaign go directly back to enhancing the educational experience for our staff and students. Donations are tax deductible.

For more information about the council and how funds are distributed directly to our teachers, classrooms and programs, please visit their page or click on the button below.


The Archers Council will kick-off the annual Funds for Founders (F4F) campaign this Friday, Oct. 18 to raise $125,000 for our school! Click here for a F4F flyer explaining:

  • how AC will invest all donations,
  • ways to give (online, by check, & employer match), and
  • a gift for a faculty & staff member for every $10k raised, up to $100k. *New this year!*

We recommend a donation of $400 per student. Some families will give much more while others will dig deep and give what they can. We are grateful for any donation. Aim High!


The annual Funds for Founders family fundraising campaign is happening October 18 – November 1!


Employer gift matching is a great way to double the impact of your donation. Please ask your employer if they match financial donations as well as volunteer hours. You can find an Employer Matching Gifts letter to accompany your inquiry at the button below.

To make a donation to our general fund, please click the button below or mail a check to:

Founders Classical Academy of Leander

1303 Leander Drive

Leander, TX 78641

Donations to the Responsive Ed Foundation are tax deductible. Gifts earmarked for Founders Classical Academy of Leander are reserved for the school's use. Upon receipt of your donation, a receipt will be provided.

Click here or scroll down to make a secure online donation. Donations are tax deductible and go directly to the school: