AiA Landing Page » Handbooks


Purpose of the Handbooks
This Founders Leander Family Handbook Supplement is our school's first and most important founding document. It describes the policies and procedures that will guide us as we work together to fulfill the school’s mission. It exists alongside the Responsive Education Solutions Parent/Student Handbook, which governs the larger operations of our district. It may be found here: .


The Founders Leander Family Handbook Supplement may be amended from time to time as changes and additions become necessary. Changes will be announced when they are made, and the policies affected will be marked clearly. This supplement does not replace or overrule the ResponsiveEd Parent/Student Handbook, which should be consulted when relevant.


These handbooks are not comprehensive. We expect parents and students will operate in a spirit of cooperation and reasonableness. Students and parents begin the year by reading both handbooks carefully and completing the electronic Annual Mandatory Forms in Skyward which will acknowledge your acceptance.

The most recent version of the two handbooks will always be posted on this page.